“Hot Leads” are sent to you, you decide to engage.
HOW DOES CRERAYS WORK? We send you genuine requirements.
Customers rely on Crerays to put them in touch with qualified real estate professionals who own, manage, or have access to commercial real estate.
Customers answer specific questions related to the type of commercial real estate they are searching for. We review the requests to make sure they are legitimate.
YOU DECIDE WHO TO RESPOND TOWe send the detailed requirements by email or text to the professionals in our network.
If you are interested, you can respond with an introduction of your services and a proposal.
SEND YOUR INTRODUCTION AND PROPOSALYou send a personal introduction and a proposal containing your ability to fill the requirement, including active listings.
We send your introduction and proposal to the customer, along with your contact information, qualifications and profile. You pay only when you send your introduction.
GET ENGAGED AND LET US KNOWWe will limit the responses to the first 10 introductions and proposals.
(Typically, less than 5 are received.)You and the customer work out the details through Crerays, phone, email or in person.
When you are engaged, let us know and improve your chances of getting chosen for the next requirement.
HOW DO I GET THE DEAL?Write clear and responsive proposals.
Customers are looking to avoid the long and often tedious task of maneuvering through the thicket of listings to find the handful of properties that may fit their needs and then having to contact each respective owner, manager or broker.
Customers want to streamline the search process, communicate with the decision makers, and close the deal faster. Professionalism is key.
Address the customer’s needs and wants as best as possible, be honest, and approach customers on a personal level.
Make sure your listings are active, and available. Be prepared to justify pricing, and be flexible. Don’t give up! You may have to respond to several requests before your listing is chosen.
Be persistent and experiment. Write different types of introductory messages, make sure your proposals highlight attributes that are sought by the customer and your listings are appealing to potential tenants.
TENANT REPSIf you are the exclusive or recognized agent for a tenant, CRERAYS is a great resource for you and still free to use.
Sign up as a tenant and create a request; identify yourself as a tenant rep and be honest of your client’s wants and needs. Get responses from other professionals and close your deal.
Please note that, at this time, your email address can only be used once to sign up as either a tenant or real estate professional.
So, if you also want to sign up as a CRE Pro, you will need to sign up with another email address and create a profile.